The exhibition of cats held on 5-6 June in Moscow
We participated in a kitten trade show for the first time. It was very unusual. There were no judges, no ratings, not a lot of breeders in the same place. There is no constant running around, and you don't have different worries about grades and grooming. Nevertheless, there you could find lively interpretations among breeders; there was an opportunity to communicate freely with our customers. Many of them arrived at the exhibition purposefully for obtaining a new friend. We do appreciate it very much; there are a lot of stories of buyers having purchased a cat on the spur of the moment, then they regretted and were eager to take the poor animal back to the breeder. Unfortunately, these stories do happen. We liked the friendly atmosphere at the exhibition, so we managed to make new acquaintances among the breeders. And what's more, some of our kittens stayed in Moscow as residents of this beautiful city. Follow our news.